What our Customers say...

Water Damage Testimonials

Excellent job!!

Everything was handled effortlessly - they have an awesome system in place. 

Everyone delivered stellar customer service which is VERY hard to come by these days! Jessica and Michael rocked it.

Very pleased with the service and all of the communications. 

Staff was great!!! Thanks for taking away the stress. 

Everything was handled effortlessly, they have an awesome system in place! Everyone delivered stellar customer service which is VERY hard to come by these days! Jessica and Michael rocked it.

Very happy with service.

SERVPRO came quickly to do the dry up from the water. Explain everything well and very easy to contact if I had questions.

Being recommended to a company that I really didn't know much about was beyond stressful, but the SERVPRO of Merrimack gave me a sense of relief and at the end of the day I was stress free and very thankful.