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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Water Removal in Merrimack Happens Quick with SERVPRO

6/8/2024 (Permalink)

drying devices on hardwood flooring SERVPRO can rescue water damaged hardwood flooring and save our Merrimack customers money and a mess.

SERVPRO® Offers Expert Water Removal Services in Merrimack

Swift action is the key to limiting the impact of water damage at your Merrimack home. Water removal is crucial in mitigating damage and preventing secondary damage and structural deterioration.

SERVPRO stands out for its expertise in water removal services in Merrimack. Our advanced technology and comprehensive water remediation techniques ensure your home is quickly dried and restored. With IICRC-certified technicians, we provide the highest standard of service to make your home safe and comfortable again.

Advanced Equipment for Efficient Water Removal  

SERVPRO utilizes state-of-the-art water extraction equipment to ensure efficient and thorough water removal from your home. One key piece of equipment used is the truck-mounted water extractor, which can remove thousands of gallons of water quickly and effectively. These powerful machines are essential for handling large-scale water damage and significantly reduce the time required for the extraction process.

Another crucial tool in SERVPRO's arsenal is the portable water extractor. These devices are versatile and can reach areas difficult to access with larger equipment. They are perfect for extracting water from hardwood flooring, carpets, upholstery, and tight spaces, ensuring no area is left untreated.

In addition to these extractors, our techs also employ advanced moisture detection tools such as hygrometers and infrared cameras. These tools help identify hidden moisture pockets that might go unnoticed, ensuring a comprehensive water extraction process. By combining these advanced technologies, SERVPRO guarantees efficient water removal and minimizes the risk of long-term damage to your property.

Drying and Dehumidification Process

After the initial water extraction, our techs thoroughly dry and dehumidify to eliminate any remaining moisture. High-speed air movers and industrial-grade dehumidifiers are strategically placed throughout the affected area to accelerate evaporation and maintain optimal humidity levels. Continuous monitoring using moisture meters and thermal imaging cameras ensures that water damage is restored “Like it never even happened.”

Call SERVPRO of Merrimack at (603) 262-9293 for a prompt and reliable service.

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